National Geographic Live
Occurs on
Monday March 20 2023
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Event Notes
Tickets: Seating Level A (Orange) $40, Seating Level B (Green) $35, Seating Level C (Purple) $30
From documenting war zones to donning a panda suit to remain anonymous among giant pandas, award-winning photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale shares her images and adventures from a career spent “living the story.”
Please note the National Geographic Live program and speaker has been changed from Life on the Move with Dr. Lucy Hawkes.
Performance Sponsors: Rea & Jim Ludke
Wild Hope with Ami Vitale
Tickets: Seating Level A (Orange) $40, Seating Level B (Green) $35, Seating Level C (Purple) $30
From documenting war zones to donning a panda suit to remain anonymous among giant pandas, award-winning photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale shares her images and adventures from a career spent “living the story.”
Please note the National Geographic Live program and speaker has been changed from Life on the Move with Dr. Lucy Hawkes.
Performance Sponsors: Rea & Jim Ludke